If you or your staff use masks or respirators as a primary method of providing respiratory protection then you must undergo a face fit test. Why is this necessary? Face fit testing ensures the selected mask is suitable and provides the necessary protection in your workplace. There are many brands and types of masks available in the marketplace and as masks are different in size and shape so are the wearers. A mask selected for your staff may not be suitable for all and face fit testing is the only recognised method for checking suitability. There are also many poor quality and fake masks available which don’t offer any protection, face fit testing highlights these products inadequacies keeping workers safe.

If you require face fit testing or further
advice on respiratory protection contact Test4fit
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Follow this link if you’re interested BBC News - Covid: One million masks for NHS fail high-grade safety tests https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57999162
Unfortunately poor quality masks are still being used by so many workers without them being aware that they are not being protected. This not only happens with small companies who may be trying to save money but has also happened in our NHS. Only yesterday the BBC covered a news article on 1 million FFP3 masks being rejected as they did not meet FFP3 standards. Testing is so important but many just don’t realise how necessary it is.
I agree with you there are the number of companies are offering the best masks and the information bout the face mask testing update here quite supportive. The companies must follow brillassignment SOP’s and makes the standard mask for the protection. I found the stuff quite useful thanks for bringing the wise article.